Lovely Day

😉 – Then I look at you and the world’s alright with me

What a weekend. We had the perfect day on Saturday, the only perfect day for weeks in either direction.

We had a pile of friends and family here for The Grumble’s 6th birthday party. She had a tower of tinkerbell cupcakes and a mountain of prezzies and this is the first year that she seems to be engaged with the gifts she received. We’ve read through the book she got twice, she’s been actively playing with the Tinkerbell doll she got from her sister and the pile of barbie clothes she got from Grandma and Grandpa have been on and off the dolls a pile of times already. She snuggles up at night with her Tink blanket, wears her Tink slippers every minute that she’s in the house. She is seriously attached to her new faerie wings, is making all sorts of things with her new beads, wears her new necklaces around the house (necklaces with mini versions made to match for her American Girl doll) and she’s doing all of this and including her sister in her play.

In years past its been a bit of a struggle for us in the week after a birthday party. both the girls had a tendency to hoard their gifts and tesae each other with them. There was more teasing than play but I haven’t witnessed any of that so far. Yay!

I’m pretty sure everybody had a good time at Saeb’s party. To keep everybody happy after (or during if we had needed to) opening the presents I had a pile of foam sticker craft, magnet frames for the kids to play with and make. I think my SiL had the best time with them! 🙂 and look at the awesome zinnias that she brought me from her garden.

After the kiddos departed – with grandparents for the night 🙂 we had a bunch of friends over to share vittles and beverages and hang out at the bonfire for the night. We had a blast! I forgot to take any pictures. We had a mead tasting – we need to make more! – there was a box of pink wine…, margaritas, good beer and lots of great laughter. There were even glow sticks, I really wish I gotten a picture of Annie’s glowstick shawl pin 🙂

Aurelia had a good time during her stay with Pat’s Mom and Dad. She got to do some sewing with Grandma and made us a bag bag – you know, to store all the little shopping bags in. Nice job girlie!

I love those days, even thought its Tuesday and I feel like I’m just recovering (well, consider the hangover, add on that I picked up a minor cold and its that fabulous week of the month that every woman looks forward to). I even love the 5 hours of cooking prep that went into it. Good times with friends are great, throw in a few drinks, even better, toss on top of that some seriously good vittles and you have a fantastic time on your hands. Worth every minute.

So thanks to everybody that made it out this way and made the day what it was 🙂 I love you guys.

As an extra, I offer up my family recipe for hot mustard. I love this stuff and it is super simple.

Nanny’s Hot Mustard

4 tbs dry mustard          1 tsp black pepper

4 tbs sugar                    1 cup AP flour

1 tsp salt                       1/2 to 1 cup white vinegar

Mix dry ingredients well and add 1/2 c vinegar, if needed add more vinegar to reach desired consistency. You can change up the flavor by using different vinegars, adding herbs or other spices and even mustard seeds, honey or maple syrup. Just be careful, its gets hotter the older it is! good for about 2-3 weeks refrigerated, mine never sticks around that long 🙂 Enjoy!


9 thoughts on “Lovely Day

  1. We had a lovely time and loved the yummy honey mead. And you know it is a party when there is a box of pick wine involved.
    Peace and Yarn,

  2. Seems there were good times all around…Me, I don’t remember a thing. Kidding! It was a total blast! Can’t wait for next year.

    Btw, I owe you one kid’s room cleaning…;)

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